On the morning of March 8, 2021, Retired Detective Michael Dougherty and his family suffered the loss of their home due to a devastating fire. Mike, his wife, and two children were home at the time of the fire and were able to escape, however all their belongings were lost. Mike and his wife, who works as a RN at a local hospital, have been living in the home for 25 years and raised their three children there.
Mike served the NYPD for 30 years before retiring in the fall of 2019. Mike began his career in Midtown South before being transferred to Bronx narcotics where he spent the majority of his career. Mike then joined the FBI/NYPD Metro Safe Streets Task Force where he worked until his retirement.
Due to their displacement they will have to start to rebuild their home and attempt to replace their belongings as best they can. We are asking for you to come together to assist Mike and his family through these very difficult times. Any assistance you are able to provide will make a difference in their future efforts. Thank you all and stay safe.
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Stay strong my brother....uncle buck
Fidelis Ad Mortem.
We are all here for you, like you have always been there for all of us!
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Mike, I’m truly sorry to hear about this devastating experience that you and your family have endured. Thank God none of you were hurt. I wish you and your family all the best and pray that you get through this rapidly.