Hello Everyone,
My boyfriend and I’s cat Ace is currently under emergency care. It started as a little constipation, but has now led to the Veterinarian telling us that his pelvis is too narrow to pass stool. This could be due to an injury prior to us even getting him, or a birth defect. The vet instructed that this would need to be fixed in order to prevent this from happening again. Veterinary costs are insanely expensive but this cat is our child. As someone who’s only had dogs her whole life, I never thought i’d be so attached to a cat. I never thought that a little constipation would lead to orthopedic surgery.
We all know first responders and medical personnel are underpaid. My boyfriend and I are both volunteer firemen and EMTs, so unpaid, but I’m also an Emergency Department Technician. We have pet insurance, but it’s not covering most of these medical costs. The $6000 is just covering this hospital stay, the rest is our responsibility, we just need a little help.
Thank you everyone in advance.
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