As K-9 Joker transitioned to a community roll, we have traveled a little. It would be nice to get him a good kennel for traveling, with a mat, bowl and fan to keep him cool.
If anyone would like to help us in getting him a Gunner Kennel, we would greatly appreciate your support in doing this for him. With us reaching the goal for K-9 Joker, we were asked, what about K-9 Bane??? So we are now working to raise funds so that he as well can have a Gunner Kennel. We have now received $600 in outside donations towards this for K-9 Bane.
Any funds raised over the goal will be deposited into the K-9 fund to further continue operations. Using the funds to purchase equipment, training aids, attend conferences and assist with any unexpected veterinary bills.

Since we reached the initial goal and have now received another $600 in direct donations for K-9 Bane to have a kennel, we will update the drive to include him and account for these funds

Amazing, we had a $1,205 donation that put us at our goal. Any additional funds will go to the K-9 unit fund. We will leave this fundraiser up a little longer, before removing it.
We thank you for your support of K-9 Joker “Jokester” & K-9 Bane “BaneTrain”
Donations & Comments
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Reply from Jason Eschert1 year ago

Hope you are able to raise the rest of the funds! You guys are my favorite!
Reply from Jason Eschert1 year agoThank you so much, we appreciate your generosity!

Reply from Jason Eschert1 year agoWe appreciate your support and generosity!

Reply from Jason Eschert1 year agoAwesome, we greatly appreciate your generosity!

Reply from Jason Eschert1 year agoWe appreciate your support and generosity!

Reply from Jason Eschert1 year agoWe appreciate your support and generosity!

Reply from Jason Eschert1 year agoWe appreciate your support and generosity!

Matching my donation from Joker to help out with Bane's kennel. :)
Reply from Jason Eschert1 year agoThank you so much, we appreciate your generosity!

So I can’t put towards Jokers kennel without giving the same for the Bane Train’s. Honoured to be able to give a tiny bit towards enabling these beautiful boys to travel safely and in comfort. All best wishes from here in 🇬🇧
Reply from Jason Eschert1 year agoWe greatly appreciate your generosity!

Reply from Jason Eschert1 year agoWe appreciate your support and generosity!
Non-Donor Comments
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Thank you so much for your generosity and making the goal matching donation!