My dad was diagnosed with ALS in January of this year. He has been dealing with symptoms since 2021 (falling, slurred speech) which, as of recently, have been progressing rapidly. He now uses a walker, which he can only walk with short distances, he cannot go up and down stairs without assistance and his speech is slowing down. It will only be a matter of time until he’s lost all ability to use his legs and arms, followed by loss of breathing and eating on his own. ALS is an evil disease which takes your entire body away from you, while leaving your mind completely intact.
A little about my dad… he’s a husband, father and grandfather to my two beautiful daughters (5 and 6.5) who are his entire world. He served 30 years in Law Enforcement with multiple titles during his tenure - Supervisor, SRT member, FTO, Firearms Instructor, Hostage Negotiator, Peer Support Team Member - he retired as a Detective Sergeant. If you ask anyone from his department, he was a solid, stand-up officer; supervisor & friend. Aside from work he’s been an active member of society, coaching youth sports over many, many years.
ALS is always terminal.. there is no cure. I’m asking for any monetary assistance to help with getting him a motorized wheelchair to help him not feel like he’s lost all of his mobility and freedoms and any other assistive devices - I’m just trying to make my dad as comfortable as he can be for as long as we have him here. It’s hard to make this decision to do a fundraiser, I know my dad wouldn’t want this. I’m also thinking of my mom and trying to help make her life as a caretaker as easy as possible, physically, emotionally and financially.
My whole family appreciates you
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Mike Thinking of you and your family. Sending love and Peace ❤️❤️❤️ Blessings 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

This is the least I can do after all the lunches you bought me on the DME truck. I’ll buy you a beer when I come up to visit in June.

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My uncle had worked with Mike at Cranston PD and he was also one of my favorite Professors at NEIT. Sending Mike and his family love 💙