The purpose of the Fallen Heroes Tour is to honor officers killed in the
line of duty this year by personally visiting each law enforcement
agency to present a plaque in their honor. In 2023 & 2024 We traveled over 60,000 miles to honor 44 fallen police officers in 32 states.
Our mission is to support police officers by combating negative stereotypes and narratives that are rampant today by encouraging positive police and community interaction. We are committed to using multimedia to highlight the brave men & women who risk their lives daily to protect us. We deliver plaques to police departments and thank our hero police officers who protect and serve us, keeping our communities safe, responding to our calls for help, and running to danger while others run away.
Organizations such as Black Lives Matter have been undermining the integrity of the American police force and promoting violence against police officers to the point of encouraging others to kill them.
This escalated in 2020 to the point where many political figures and self-proclaimed community leaders started calling for defunding the police. The results of this have been devastating for communities all across the nation.

We were honored to present a Support Our Shields plaque in honor of fallen officer Sergeant Bill Hooser to the Santaquin City Police Department We will never forget his dedication & sacrifice.
#neverforget #OfficerDown #thinbluelineusa #FallenHeroes #bluelivesmatter #billhooser #TPUSA #tpuafaith #santaquinutah #Utah #santaquinpolice

We were honored to present a Support Our Shields plaque to Marion County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Justin Tortora in honor of his fallen K-9 officer Leo. We will never forget Leo's dedication & sacrifice.Thank you to #Sheriff Billy Woods Florida Sheriffs Association for his leadership and dedication.#SheriffBillyWoods #marioncountyfl #MarionCountySheriff #bluelivesmatter #fallenheroes #k9officer #K9Leo

It was an honor to meet Executive Superintendent Kristi Ringler & members of the Tucson Police Department to present a Support Our Shields plaque in honor of fallen officer Adam Buckner. We will never forget his dedication & sacrifice.
#HeroesAmongUs #bluelivesmatter #thinbluelineusa #OfficerDown #FOPSTRONG #adambuckner #tucsonarizona #tucsonpd

I was HONORED to have the chance to spend the day with the AWESOME men & women of the Euclid Police Department & Euclid Auxiliary Police. I was able to put my arms around them and share with them my love and respect for the life and sacrifice of Officer Jacob Derbin. Thank you to Bishop Tom Owen of the Living Water Church of God for hosting this special event. Thank you to TPUSA Faith for sponsoring lunch for our local heroes.
#neverforget #HeroesAmongUs #bluelivesmatter #thinbluelineusa #OfficerDown #FOPSTRONG #lawenforcementtoday #jacobderbin #euclid #euclidohio #tpusafaith #TPUSA #bluelineunlimited #armynationalguard

I was HONORED to have the chance to meet Sheriff Mitchell Mixon of the George County Sheriff's Office and to present him with a Support Our Shields plaque in HONOR of Deputy Jeremy Malone who was shot and killed on January 4th.
We will never forget his dedication & sacrifice.
#HeroesAmongUs #bluelivesmatter #thinbluelineusa #officerdown #FOPSTRONG #lawenforcementtoday #jeremymalone #Mississippi
Donations & Comments
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Reply from "Hollywood" Henry Morris2 weeks agoThank You Dennis

The world needs more people like you, Sir!
Reply from "Hollywood" Henry Morris2 weeks agoThank You So Much Thomas

Reply from "Hollywood" Henry Morris2 weeks agoThank You K

Reply from "Hollywood" Henry Morris2 weeks agoTHANK YOU SO MUCH, Carla.

Thank you for doing God’s work.
Reply from "Hollywood" Henry Morris2 weeks agoThank you William for the support

Reply from "Hollywood" Henry Morris2 weeks agoThank You Randall

Always praying for law enforcement! Be safe and may GOD always be with you.
Reply from "Hollywood" Henry Morris2 weeks agoThank you Margaret

God bless you and the work you are doing! Protect our Police that protect us!
Reply from "Hollywood" Henry Morris2 weeks agoThank you Alan

Reply from "Hollywood" Henry Morris2 weeks agoThank you!
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To the men and women who are dedicated to truth, justice, protecting and serving - thank you. 🙏🏼