First Responders
First and True
First Responders
Created March 1st, 2023

First and True is a new show that highlights the many first-responder related podcasts in the United States, Canada, and around the world. We also highlight serious true-crime programs that highlight missing-person cases and are law-enforcement friendly. First and True also provides a collaboration component whereby host of these podcasts can collaborate, share ideas, and make guest and story recommendations. There is no charge to be a guest on First and True or to participate in the collaboration sessions. However, the parent company producing First and True - Bator Training & Consulting, also the founder of the POCUA and Public Safety Talk Radio, requests donations to keep the program going.

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First and True
$0 raised of $20,000 goal
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Campaign Organizer
Police Officers' Credit Union Association
Campaign Beneficiary
Beneficiary Photo
Bator Training & Consulting
Fundraiser Stats
713 Days

Donate $110

Suggested donation is $9.99 per month or $110 for the year to participate in First and True monthly collaboration meetings.

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Guest Contribution
Donate $150

While there is no charge to be a guest on the First and True podcast your support is appreciated for the time to record and edit the episode.

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One-on-One Collaboration
Donate $250

On occasion podcast producers choose to collaborate and obtain feedback directly with the host of First and True, Ken Bator. Ken is the original True Crime Category Director for Podcast Magazine, a former Icon of Influence at the New Media Summit, and a producer of a number of podcasts including two first-responder related shows, Beyond the Call and Public Safety Talk Radio. Suggested donation per hour of consulting with Ken is $250.

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Donate $110

Suggested donation is $9.99 per month or $110 for the year to participate in First and True monthly collaboration meetings.

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Guest Contribution
Donate $150

While there is no charge to be a guest on the First and True podcast your support is appreciated for the time to record and edit the episode.

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One-on-One Collaboration
Donate $250

On occasion podcast producers choose to collaborate and obtain feedback directly with the host of First and True, Ken Bator. Ken is the original True Crime Category Director for Podcast Magazine, a former Icon of Influence at the New Media Summit, and a producer of a number of podcasts including two first-responder related shows, Beyond the Call and Public Safety Talk Radio. Suggested donation per hour of consulting with Ken is $250.

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Custom Amount

To donate without receiving a gift, click here to donate a custom amount.

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