Law Enforcement
Help build the first golf-based mindfulness skills program for active and retired law enforcement officers.
Law Enforcement
Created June 16th, 2023

Police officers routinely witness situations of child abuse, vehicle crashes, serious injury or death of co-workers, gruesome assaults and homicides, uses of deadly force, and near-death experiences. A 2015 study found that on average, law enforcement officers experience 188 critical incidents during their career (Chopka, et al. 2015). That is averaging three traumatic incidents every six months over a 25-year career. 


According to the National Center for PTSD, about 6% of the population will experience PTSD during their lives. It is estimated that approximately 15% of police officers experience symptoms of PTSD (Violanti, J. 2018)


Blue Line Golf, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, improves the lives of active and retired law enforcement officers through the physical and mental benefits of golf.


There is evidence to suggest that mindfulness practices can promote well-being, improved sleep, positive relationships, and work performance (Grupe, et al. 2021) and (Christopher, et al. 2018). While meditation falls under the umbrella of mindfulness, not all mindfulness practices involve meditation. Golf, for instance, is a journey that combines mindfulness with physical activity, time in nature, and social interaction. These elements have all been shown to reduce the effects of anxiety, depression, and PTSD.


Blue Line Golf is building a golf-based mindfulness skills program that will be taught to active and retired police officers across the United States. Our goal is to raise $6,400 to the cost of initial instructor training. Our goal is to build resilience and increase humanity in our law enforcement community. We have chosen to model our program after Vision 54, a renowned program that emphasizes the human side of golf including mindfulness, confidence, emotional resiliency, and adaptability. More information about Vision 54 can be found at


During our courses, officers will learn, practice, and apply mindfulness-based skills such as meditation, breath work, visualization, and somatic feeling. These skills will enable them to connect their mind and body, be present, maintain a process-focused mindset and develop the ability to regulate their emotions and responses to stress and error. Officers learn how these acquired skills can have a positive influence on their personal and professional lives and begin creating their own daily mindfulness practice. 

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Help build the first golf-based mindfulness skills program for active and retired law enforcement officers.
$0 raised of $6,400 goal
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Fund the First Logo
Campaign Organizer
Matthew Mintier
Campaign Beneficiary
Beneficiary Photo
Blue Line Golf
Fundraiser Stats
636 Days