Madison was born in March of 2011 and welcomed to the world by her parents who are both Police Officers. When we looked into her eyes for the first time we instantly fell in love. We were so excited to be parents and to give her all the things we never had. Before Madison turned 2 she was diagnosed with Autism. It was hard to year those words and to know that our perfect little girl would have to struggle with this condition for her whole life. It broke our hearts to know that most kids her age were learning to talk Madison was barely making any sounds. When we called her name or made a sound she would not respond. Madison also suffers from a global delay and severe sensory issues which causes her to be extra sensitive to sound. Madison is now 11 years old and still non verbal. We are trying to raise money in order to give her hyperbaric treatment which is very costly. The treatment has helped many people and we are hoping that it can help our little girl in any way. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.
Paul & Marissa
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