First Responders
I’ve been out of work due to multiple injuries and illness!
First Responders
Catastrophic Loss
New York
Created April 4th, 2023

I have been really struggling mentally, physically, and financially. I’ve been out of work for 2 years and 2 months all because I slipped on a patch of ice leaving my house heading to work. I ended tearing my Labrum in my left hip which took 8 months just to get the surgery to repair it. But because the recent diagnosis’s of the chronic illnesses Mast Cell Activation, Dysautonomia, and POTS makes it where my body does the opposite of what it’s supposed to do. So I haven’t even fully recovered from the surgery that I had back in September 2021. They also discovered that I also injured my lower back and my SI joint (where my pelvis and back connect) so we are basically starting the whole process over again. It’s been a struggle dealing with my injuries ontop of being very sick and in pain nearly everyday because of the chronic illnesses which doesn’t have a cure and the medication that are supposed to help don’t help. Unfortunately my job only had short term disability which ended 1 year and 8 months ago. So I applied for temporary social security disability which took 5 months just to deny me. I appealed which took another 5 months to deny me again. I just requested a hearing  and had a hearing in November and still haven’t heard anything. Which is crazy and frustrating I’ve already been dealing with trying to get social security disability for over a year. So now after hearing that and that we are basically starting the injury process all over again. I’m not gonna be getting paid anytime soon. My bills are piling up between medical bills, everyday life bills, and bills that I had previously to getting injured that I planned on paying off over time. It’s just all been too much! Please if you can donate anything it would really help until I can get back to work or get approved for temporary social security disability. I know these have been tough times for everyone but I would really appreciate it. If you can’t donate I understand if you could share this it would really help. Thank you so much for your help and support. 

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I’ve been out of work due to multiple injuries and illness!
$0 raised of $4,000 goal
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Fund the First Logo
Campaign Organizer
Erica Higgins
Campaign Beneficiary
Beneficiary Photo
Erica Higgins
Fundraiser Stats
709 Days