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Kiva at UCLA
All Others
Created February 23rd, 2023

Kiva is a non-profit microfinance organization that provides microloans to people in need worldwide, especially in developing nations. These loans create opportunities for individuals to change their lives by jump-starting businesses, funding higher education, paying medical bills, and more. Once borrowers are successful, they repay their loans to the Kiva organization, where their funds are reused to create new opportunities, continuing the microloan cycle. Our club is a local chapter of the Kiva organization where we carry out social impact projects. We partner with low-income individuals in our local community to aid them in achieving their entrepreneurial pursuits. We fundraise to fulfill microloans for these partners through, providing the funds to jumpstart their pursuits. From there, we collaborate with our partners in a quarter-long startup accelerator program where we provide strategy consulting, technology, and marketing services to help ensure they are successful with their funds. Here at Kiva, we work to foster social mobility, serving those who are where they are because they are under-served, not undeserving.

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$0 raised of $500 goal
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Fund the First Logo
Campaign Organizer
Jules Kuramoto
Campaign Beneficiary
Beneficiary Photo
Fundraiser Stats
746 Days