Let's help BMO one last time guys!!
Created September 2nd, 2022

Let's help with the expenses of the passing of Bryan (BMO) Mortensen. The last thing his family needs right now is to worry about related expenses. Bryan lost his life to the war of addiction. A war that very few can come back from. No matter what Bryan did with his life he always loved. With addicts that love does not always come out the way it should. Addiction causes loose morals no matter how hard a person does not want that to happen. In this moment of time those actions all those actions should be forgiven. And Bryan should be remembered by the love people seen him give off. Remember all the good times because the bad times do not matter anymore. Let's all get together whether you knew him, knew just a family member of his or don't know him or family at all. Let's show that love and good thoughts prevail over any negative thoughts and over addiction. Let's show how much addicts are truly loved so the ones that are still fighting that war can see that. And that right there could save a life. And what more would Bryan want with his passing then to be able to use that to save others. Share this with everyone you know whether they knew Bryan or not. Let's show what love can do!! All proceeds over the amount related to death expenses will be put into a fund for Isaiah (Son) at the discretion of the family. 

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Let's help BMO one last time guys!!
$0 raised of $9,000 goal
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Fund the First Logo
Campaign Organizer
Mark Bearl
Campaign Beneficiary
Beneficiary Photo
Bryan Gerald Mortensen
Fundraiser Stats
893 Days