First Responders
March For Heroes - Vehicle Fundraiser
First Responders
New York
Created February 27th, 2021

The VIP Auto Group is proud to support the Law Enforcement Officers Weekend Fundraiser during March For Heroes!

Law Enforcement Officers Weekend (LEO Weekend) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides all expense paid weekend getaways, events and activities for the families of fallen and seriously injured officers. Our goal is to help provide new vehicles that can transport these deserving families to and from the LEO Weekend events safely!

The VIP Auto Group wants to help assure that we never forget our first responders and their families who’ve sacrificed so much for our communities.

In early 2020, Law Enforcement Officers Weekend reached out to the VIP Auto Group for vehicle assistance. After learning about all of the amazing services LEO Weekend provides, we knew we had to get behind their efforts and support them as much as possible! Watching their videos from previous weekend getaways in Lake George and Long Beach, New York, as well as photos and videos from other events such as their PTSD & Suicide Awareness seminars, motorcycle rallies, professional sporting events, fishing charters, haunted houses and so many more family-friendly activities, we knew that LEO Weekend was a charity that we would want to partner with.

Aside from our goal to raise money for the purchase of transportvehicles for the organization’s events, LEO Weekend created a free ride-service program for the families of injured and fallen officers. This service will allow family members to request transportation to scheduled doctor’s appointments, hospital visits, nursing facilities and other special request locations. Chauffeurs of these newly purchased vehicles will consist of retired members of law enforcement who are still looking to fulfill the need of giving back and being involved with the law enforcement community. Unfortunately, retired members of law enforcement have extremely high rates of suicide after leaving the profession. This program will help fill the void and provide a noble activity.

These transport vehicles would be a vital part of the LEO Weekend organization and would further allow us help protect our communities. We are able to sleep peacefully at night knowing that members of law enforcement are willing to sacrifice so much for so little, just to keep us safe. Giving back to charities like LEO Weekend is just one small way to show VIP Auto Group’s gratitude and love for the Thin Blue Line.

On behalf of VIP Auto Group and Law Enforcement Officers Weekend, thank you for helping us accomplish our fundraising goal! We truly appreciate your generosity.

For more information on Law Enforcement Officers Weekend, please go to

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$0 raised of $25,000 goal
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Law Enforcement Officers Weekend
Fundraiser Stats
1473 Days