The Waukegan Police Benevolent Labor Committee Local #42 is asking you to help one of our Police Officers who was involved in a very tragic and traumatic incident. The incident occurred in the early morning hours of October 20, 2020. The Officers name has yet to be released and we are trying to givethe Officer and his family as much privacy as possible. While in the line of duty, an unfortunate incident occurred that led to our officers untimely and unexpected termination, prior to a comprehensive investigation being completed. The Officer is a five year veteran of the Waukegan Police Department and has a newborn child at home. Our goal is to raise as much money as possible to assist the Officer and the family with their everyday living expenses while they fight the termination. The beneficiary of the donation page is the child’s mother.
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Please know we are praying for you.

Be strong, good luck to you and your family

Stay Motivated! Things will work out!

You have far more support than you think. Stay strong everything will be ok.

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