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Please help a Single mother of 3
Hello my name is Fallon, I am a single mother of 3 wonderful girls! Morgan is 15 , Andie Rose is 6, and Piper is 5. They are my whole world and all i have left. All of my family has passed away my grandparents, both of my parents, and all of my aunts and uncles. Fortunately my two little ones are not old enough to realize what is going on but my oldest is very smart I do my best to keep my head held high and not let her know that I am struggling. I am currently in the middle of a not so nice divorce from their father who I receive no help from. I am working 2 jobs trying to keep my head above water. I recently lost my mom who's name was Donna anne, to colon cancer. My mother was my backbone, my supporter, and my best friend. I wish she was here because she would know exactly what to say to me to be supportive mentally and emotionally to give me the push forward and keep me positive. She also would watch my children during the day while I worked and now that my children don't have her they are truly heartbroken we are all lost without her. Unfortunately my mom was a bartender her whole life and worked off the books. She had no health insurance, retirement, etc... therefore I had to pay out of pocket for her funeral. As the only child and a single mother of 3 it put me into debt. A couple of weeks later I totaled my car in a rain storm. I have been struggling to get ahead and now I have no vehicle to get back and forth to work. I have been taking the bus and using the train and otherwise my two feet that God gave me and although my feet are free the rides are not and it has become very costly getting to Jersey City and Newark where most of my work is done.I never ask for anything in life but I am truly desperate! I am in danger of losing my home because I cannot afford my rent, utilities, transportation to and from work, the before care and after care for my two little ones if anyone has children we know how costly Child Care is.I can not lose my job and absolutely need a vehicle a.s.a.p. due to the fact I travel from construction site to construction site on a weekly basis. PLEASE!!!! Help me! 🙏🙏🙏 I can pay it back over time but I need money to purchase and pay for car and insurance. Due to my soon to be ex-husband refusing to help pay off the credit cards my credit score has dropped and cannot get a loan. If I had any other option I would do it as it is completely humiliating even asking. Any amount would help and if you can not donate please share.Thank you
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