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Rachel’s will to fight!
All Others
Catastrophic Loss
Created September 13th, 2022

My name is Rachel. I am 47, and just found out 2 months ago that I have stage 4 Esophageal cancer. Until then, I was a happy, normal mother of 3 grown kids. Married for 25 years to the love of my life. I am a hairstylist, have been in love with my life, I love my clients and I have the best friends and family a girl could ever ask for. Being a hairstylist has been one of those jobs that don’t provide health insurance. My husband is a small buisness owner and is in construction. He to, has a job that doesn’t provide insurance. It was just one of those expenses that we meant to get around to starting up. I had no idea that my days would be very limited and that everything would happen the way it has. Long story short, I am trying to apply for disability. It will clearly take a little time to get it going. In the meantime, I have had the burden of not being able to work, and have been in and out of the hospital many times since finding out. Blood transfusions and pneumonia are the latest issues. I am unable to predict how long getting disability could take. The medication list I am on is steady getting longer. I would be so humbled by any help that can be given. I never though I would ever need to go this route for myself. Mostly, I am doing this so that my family can spend as much time together as possible. Having my family there with me while I’m the hospital is irreplaceable to me. My husband is now the only income in the house. I want to say thank you to all of the angels I have in my life and to all of the caring, giving souls that want to help us during this difficult time. Your prayers are always welcome as well. God bless to all. Sincerely, Rachel B.

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Rachel’s will to fight!
$0 raised of $5,000 goal
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Fund the First Logo
Campaign Organizer
Rachel Barnes
Campaign Beneficiary
Beneficiary Photo
Rachel Barnes
Fundraiser Stats
882 Days