First Responders
Retired Detective needs your help
First Responders
Catastrophic Loss
New York
Created January 4th, 2023

January of 2022 I was hospitalized with a infection in toe. They discovered there was no blood flow going to my lower left leg. I had a bypass of my femoral artery and receive a 100 staples going from my lower leg to my groin. April 2022 the infection still wasn't healing and they discovered another blockage in my lower leg and I had another bypass. I was sent home with a Picc line and on antibiotics for three weeks. July 2022 I was at my surgeons for a followup and was told my lower left leg need to be amputated. July 28, 2022 my left lower leg was amputated and I spent five weeks in the hospital and Physical therapy. Sept 2022 I went to stand and I fell opening up the surgical incision and I was transported to the hospital where I under went surgery to clean and close the opening which was to the bone. October 2022 I went to sit up in my bed next thing I knew was my wife asking Me why I was on the floor. I didn't remember anything I was rushed to the hospital where I was told I had a large blood clot on my lung and several in my right leg. I went in for surgery where they removed the large blood clot but the ones in leg where to small to remove. November 2022 I went back into inpatient Physical therapy because I received my temporary leg. I will need to update my bath rooms and parts of my home so I can gwt around easier until I learn to walk once again. I could use an nurses aid to help me bath at least twice a week. Also I would like to get the best available leg once I'm eligible for my permanent leg. The temporary one weighs alot and it takes the wind out of you just to walk. I could really use your help. I have put in for SSI but it's not easy to get. I have to have a hearing some time in 2023 guess they can't believe I'm disabled. So if you can help I appreciate it if not please just share this for me. Thank you for your time reading this.

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Retired Detective needs your help
$0 raised of $20,000 goal
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Fund the First Logo
Campaign Organizer
Joseph collora
Campaign Beneficiary
Beneficiary Photo
Joseph collora
Fundraiser Stats
769 Days