A little about me. I'm a hard working single parent mom. I've worked many 7 days a week to survive. When I don't, the bank acct bounces. I don't receive government benefits, child support etc. My car is 11 years old and I still owe on it. I've had two car accidents, 1 hit and run and 1 rear end. I've spent a few Thousand on it for maintenance. I'd like to get the air working, brakes done and safe to eventually give to my daughter who is 16. Then maybe I can 1 day get a newer vehicle for myself. My goal overall is pay off my debt, which would pay off remaining loan as well as some of my debt.
thank you from the girl who pulls over when off the clock to help the bystanders who fell on the sidewalk. Or the girl who got out when a car hit a bicyclist or all the booboos I help at my kids softball games, the umpire that got a mild concussion etc etc. my care is not just during working paid hours!

Well the car died on my way home from work in the ER. 12 hrs. My 1st day back. Day 11 post Covid. Didn't feel great but managed then boom 5 min down road car just stopped. Spent 3 hrs waiting on tow truck-flat bed. Wouldn't go forward or back. Car sitting at shop. Not open till Monday. Tow was $85. Finally free from quarantine and I'm carless at home this wknd.
Oh and to boot I woke up w allergic reaction eyes and hands swollen. Hand sanitizer or Clorox bleach wipes all day.
I can't catch a break!
please help!
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