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Skate for Luca
All Others
Catastrophic Loss
Created September 20th, 2023
5-year-old Luca Small has been battling brain cancer since he was just 18 months old and continues to fight this beast. For the three and a half years since his diagnosis, Luca has had to endure more than any person, let alone child, should ever have to endure. 
Between chemotherapy treatments, surgeries, hospital admissions, MRI’s and many specialist appointments, Luca also attends daily physical, occupational and water therapy to help recover from the mobility struggles he faces as a result of the stroke suffered during his first brain surgery. 
Recently, his family was given the news that despite years of chemotherapy treatments, Luca’s tumor was growing. His care was transferred to Boston Children’s Hospital where he is currently admitted and has undergone two additional brain surgeries.  His parents have been by his side every day. In Boston, they focus on improving Luca’s health while also doing their best to keep some type of normalcy for their 3-year-old son, Matteo. The reality, though, is that life for them is more nightmare than normal.
Luca’s parents, Kevin and Lauren Small (born and raised in Hamden, now Northford residents) are faced with unimaginable and unpredictable challenges of raising both boys, managing medical/out of pocket expenses and doing all they can to navigate this extremely devastating reality.
Luca brings an indescribable joy to the lives of everyone who has the pleasure of knowing and loving him. He continues to amaze us every single day and so do his incredible parents who continue to show up for their boys despite their deep sadness, pain and fear of the unknown. 
Our hopes for this fundraiser are to help raise money for Luca’s ongoing medical expenses, and show our support to the strong, brave and resilient Small family. 

Donations & Comments

Only administrators, organizers, and beneficiaries can reply to comments.

Eileen Gullo
Eileen Gullo donated $100

To the very best neighbors . We love you Luca!! Bob , Eileen and the boys

1 year ago
Sigrid Johnson
Sigrid Johnson donated $100
1 year ago
Anonymous donated $50
1 year ago
Anonymous donated $50
1 year ago
Louis Massaro
Louis Massaro donated $25
1 year ago
Lisa Heerdt
Lisa Heerdt donated $150


1 year ago
Anonymous donated $30
1 year ago
John & Donna Andrzejewski
John & Donna Andrzejewski donated $100
1 year ago
Tim & Caleigh Harris
Tim & Caleigh Harris donated $100
1 year ago
Cheryl Bouve
Cheryl Bouve donated $40
1 year ago

Non-Donor Comments

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Skate for Luca
$67,110 raised of $50,000 goal
444 Donations
Fund the First Logo
Campaign Organizer
Kyle Sampognaro
Campaign Beneficiary
Beneficiary Photo
Hamden Police Benevolent Association Inc
Fundraiser Stats
557 Days