
Thank you SO very much to each and every one of you who came on here to support Ashley & the kids in their time of need. You all showed up with so much love & support and completely surpassed my expectations of what we could do for them. I am so immensely grateful for your giving hearts!
Cassie Evans
Donations & Comments
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This donation was built by a basket fundraiser. Cathy Lisle, R.C Walter's and Sons, and Central Coffee Shoppe donated the items for the basket. The residents of Elizabeth Township and surrounding areas were the reason that this worked though. Good people that want to help when, and where, it's hard to help. It is good men that sacrifice so much for us. We are forever grateful for Chief McIntyres sacrifice.
Reply from Cassie Evans2 years agoThank you!!! 💙💙💙

Our sincere sympathy to Ashley McIntire and her family.
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Our hearts and our prayers are with your family. We are trusting God to wrap His arms around each one of you, and bring you His supernatural peace and comfort in the days ahead. You are loved.