Over the holiday season Officer Greg Stuart was brought to tears from chest pain and went to the emergency room. After multiple scans and tests a large mass was found and Greg was flown to EIRMC in Idaho Falls. More tests and samples were taken to determine Greg is suffering from Stage 3 Metastatic Germ Cell Cancer. Greg was transported to the Huntsman Cancer Institute in Utah and began chemotherapy. After round one of chemotherapy Greg was sent home where he suffered from significant complications due to the Chemotherapy and was flown back to the hospital in Utah. Greg is awaiting the start of the next round of chemotherapy and has several months of treatment ahead.
For those that don’t know Officer Stuart, he has dedicated the last 22+ years to federal service as a federal law enforcement officer and wildland firefighter on a hotshot crew. I say dedicated because his work ethic and professionalism is unparalleled. Greg puts in 110% all the time and does so with a smile on his face. Greg often goes above the call of duty to help people in ways that are not required or expected but in ways that show compassion and care for those he serves.
As dedicated as Officer Stuart is to his career, he is even more dedicated to his kids and amazing wife Tirzah. Greg and Tirzah are staying positive and believe the cancer can be cured with a full recovery. They also have a long road ahead of them and need all the support we can offer.
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Thinking of you and your family, Greg. Send lots of love and strong vibes your way!

Thoughts with you and the family buddy. You got this!!

Thinking of you Greg!

Sending love! Thanks so much for all of your help over the past few years, Greg. You, Tirzah and fam are in my thoughts ❤️

Hang in there Greg, you got this!

Hey buddy, thinking of ya and praying for you and your family, you got this! Stay strong!
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You are in my thoughts Greg! Wish you and your family the best. Kelly