Law Enforcement
Support Israeli National Police LODD Families
Law Enforcement
New York
Created October 19th, 2023

Less than two weeks ago, the State of Israel endured a terrorist attack where innocent men, women, and children were kidnapped, tortured, and killed in front of their families. 

During the darkest hours of this terrorist attack, members of the Israeli National Police heroically and selflessly RUSHED to aid and protect their communities. As of date, more than 56 of Israeli National Police have been murdered,  with many others severely wounded, and others still missing and presumed to have been taken hostage. These officers were the first line of defense to protect the public. 

PLEASE join this critical campaign to support the International Police Association-Israel Section, whom have committed to ensure that 100% of proceeds collected by the Nassau County Police Shomrim Society Foundation, a recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization, will benefit the families of the officers that fell as they answered the call for service to their communities.

These police officers were on the front lines fighting for us. Now, it's our turn to fight for them. Any donation made can make a tremendous difference to these families, some of whom may have nothing left after losing their loved one. 


November 23rd, 2023
Nassau County Police Shomrim Society Foundation, Organizer

IPA-Israel Section President Gal Sharon joined Nassau Shomrim Tuesday, 11/21/23, at the Nassau PBA office and was presented with a check for your to-date fundraising efforts.

Just prior to the Hamas Terror Attack on the 7th of October, IPA-Israel Section updated their roster database eerily foreshadowing the ease in identifying and contacting the widowed police families that will benefit from your generosity.

Our campaign remains open until our goal is reached! Nassau Shomrim hopes to deliver the remaining goal in-person to the families. Please continue to share our campaign on your socials so that together we ensure the families paying the ultimate sacrifice are honored!

Donations & Comments

Only administrators, organizers, and beneficiaries can reply to comments.

Nissim Pinto
Nissim Pinto donated $50
1 week ago
Anonymous donated $1,500
1 week ago
Nassau County Police Shomrim Society Foundation
Nassau County Police Shomrim Society Foundation Platinum: Donate at least $2,500 to earn this badge. donated $1,000

In Honor of Steven & Joan Sherman

4 weeks ago
Robert Fried
Robert Fried donated $180

In honor of the Israeli National Police - and the Nassau County Police Shomrim Society, President Oginski, and Treasurer Shevy Berkovits!

1 month ago
Jerry Weissman
Jerry Weissman donated $1,800

In honor of PO Nick LaTorre

9 months ago
Shomrim Society
Shomrim Society donated $26,000
10 months ago
Margaret Poplinger
Margaret Poplinger donated $15

In memory of Ruth Gally

1 year ago
NCPD PBA donated $1,000
1 year ago
NCPD DAI Foundation
NCPD DAI Foundation donated $1,000
1 year ago
Gary Shapiro
Gary Shapiro donated $40
1 year ago

Non-Donor Comments

There have been no comments to this fundraiser yet.

Support Israeli National Police LODD Families
$46,080 raised of $36,000 goal
92 Donations
Fund the First Logo
Campaign Organizer
Nassau County Police Shomrim Society Foundation Platinum: Donate at least $2,500 to earn this badge.
Campaign Beneficiary
Beneficiary Photo
International Police Association-Israel Section
Fundraiser Stats
481 Days