Law Enforcement
Support the New Mexico Mounted Patrol: Equip Our Heroes!
Law Enforcement
New Mexico
Created March 10th, 2025

Chief Berry and 70 Troopers from the New Mexico Mounted Patrol need back-up! Will you answer the call?

Kevin Berry always had a desire to be in law enforcement, but God moved him to a different path, fully engaged in leading a foster care agency for children. But Kevin truly believes seeking God’s will first, returns the desires of the heart second. For the last 15 years Kevin has served as a trooper with all-volunteer New Mexico Mounted Patrol, where he currently serves as Chief.

Here's where we need your support: NMMP troopers pay for everything out-of-pocket, including all equipment and uniforms. There is an immediate need for new tri-band radios to communicate with all the agencies across the state. Without proper communication NMMP can't help the communities or agencies they support. They can't save lives, as they selflessly risk their own. Radios are expensive, 4-5K each, or approx. 340K for all 75 troopers. Our fundraising Basecamp goal has to be 340K, but our Mt. Everest fundraising goal for the NMMP is 1M. We want to raise enough money for them to cover other mission critical equipment (vehicles, body armor, body worn cameras, K9s, etc) that will help them do their jobs safety, and efficiently while offering selfless and superior support to New Mexico law enforcement agencies and communities.

This all-volunteer law enforcement agency started in 1936, when a group of 12 ranchers met in Santa Fe with a desire to help the newly formed New Mexico State Police. Five years later, Governor Miles was so impressed with their work, he introduced legislation to establish the New Mexico Mounted Patrol. Today, the NMMP supports any and every law enforcement agency in the state and assumes their full jurisdiction and authority. Many NMMP troopers are retired or former law enforcement. The volunteers attend a 400-hour academy with the same course outlines and presentations used by the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy for full-time officers.

NMMP troopers are assisting full-time agencies in patrol operations on Friday and Saturday nights.  They are requested for security and safety in large events like the New Mexico State Fair, the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta, the Red River bike rally, the Taos Fiesta, and local county fairs around the state. They have assisted in large operations such as the Santa Fe pri
sons riot and the investigation into the Toy Box Killer.  Recently, they assisted in the forest fires and floods in Ruidoso and Roswell. They have worked warrant roundups with DEA, ATF, FBI, US Marshals, Federal Probation, and have assisted in presidential security with the Secret Service.

As you can see, the NMMP troopers are an active and working auxiliary LE force and could use your back-up. We won’t reach our goal to get them the radios and other needed equipment without you. 5 bucks, 10 bucks, it all adds up and we’ve got a lot of brothers and sisters in our network to make this happen. Please share this story and link with your network of LE and supporters of LE. If appropriate, and with approval of course, send it out in an agency email. Please stand with us in this mission of support!

-Clay Jeppsen

Note: To remove conflict of interest, my company, Code 3 Technology, does not sell radios, and will not sell radios to the NMMP.

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Support the New Mexico Mounted Patrol: Equip Our Heroes!
$0 raised of $340,000 goal
0 Donations
Fund the First Logo
Campaign Organizer
Clay Jeppsen
Campaign Beneficiary
Beneficiary Photo
New Mexico Mounted Patrol Chief Kevin Berry
Fundraiser Stats
1 Day