Denise has been a member of the Suffolk County Sheriff's Office for twenty years. In early October her son, Thomas, was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident in Oregon. He is currently in a coma and fighting for his life. Denise and her husband Tom have put their lives on hold to be in Oregon at their sons side. Please support Denise and her family any way that you can.

I cannot believe 5 months have gone by - sincere apologies for the late update and sending our thanks, it just hasn’t been mentally possible for me to do. Our son has been fighting every day since 10/1 to make progress. The hard work on his part combined with the community of love, help, support and prayers has been holding us up. Thomas is now in rehab trying to learn to walk, to talk, gain memory, and regain cognitive thinking. The road is still long and arduous, but with the support and amazing generosity of each one of you, we stand united and ready to continue to conquer it. We love and thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts.
Denise and Tom
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I wish him a speedy recovery. I am friends with Breanna/alec and known Tom in Binghamton. Hope he and your family are doing well. Sorry this happened.

Love You All! Mom, KerryLynn, Tom, Karin, Michael and Tori

Sending our prayers to the D’Auria Gamily and support group. Bill & Sandy Riegel

God bless you all. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Tom, Denise & Lisa, you have all of our continued love, support, & prayers for Thomas. Love, Annette, Bruce, Alyse, Eric, Brooke & AllisonBari

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Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers