Chike Springer was more than a husband, son, brother, uncle, and soldier. To many, he was a hero. Ambitious and inspiring, Chike was the type of person you wanted in your corner. Always pushing those around him to be better. To say he is missed is an understatement.
After serving his country in the U.S. Army and the U.S. Senate, Chike enrolled in classes to prepare for medical school with the hopes of training to become a surgeon and continue on his path to help others. It was while enrolled in school that he and his family learned that he was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in the Spring of 2019.
For a year, Chike fought his battle while continuing to show up for those around him. Always with a smile on his face, OVERCOME was a word that he constantly relied on even when things weren't looking great. He continued to believe in his purpose to help and empower others and his perseverance through his final days astounded the doctors and those around him.
To honor Chike, and his life’s mission of helping others, the Chike Springer Foundation was created by his loving wife and their closest family and friends. The foundation was actually his idea and something he and Lyndsay planned throughout treatment. Due to the complexity and limited understanding of what works on a patient-by-patient basis, many cancer patients undergo countless treatments and exams leading to unnecessary suffering and turmoil on their bodies. The Chike Springer Foundation aims to end the suffering by funding smarter, more comprehensive cancer research to understand the whole patient better and increase the positive outcomes. We want to save lives and save other families from the heartbreak of losing a loved one.
Together we push harder, Together we go farther, Together we OVERCOME. To learn more, donate, or get involved with the Chike Springer Foundation, visit www.ChikeSpringerFoundation.org or contact [email protected].
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