On Tuesday, February 7, 2023, New York City Police Officer, Adeed Fayaz, succumbed to injuries he suffered three days earlier shot in head by a vicious criminal. Due to the incident, Adeed is survived by his loving wife Madiha and sons, Rayan, 4 and Zayan, 3 years old. We can not imagine heartbreak, devastation and shock they are all going through. Adeed was an incredible husband, father and friend to many.
Adeed was very ambitious and sky was a limit for him. He was not only brilliant but worked hard to achieve his goals to comfort his family. He always planned for Rayan to learn Karate and Zayan to get trained in boxing. Adeed wanted them to seek education in good schools. For their daily life, and better education, Adeed moved to Deer Park, knowing the fact that to be on duty he will commute for 4 hours.
This fundraiser will help us with the unforeseen expenses during the time of hardship for them. He was the only bread earner for his family. He grew up to be a great son, husband and an amazing father. We wish for his family to not go through anymore difficulties; This devastating incident has shook their souls. Please help us make his family live the dreams that Adeed had planned for them. We would like to request for your help big or small, please donate whatever you can towards this cause.
This fundraiser will directly benefit Police Officer Adeed Fayaz’s family. Thank you so much for your support.
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Rest in peace.
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Rip Brother keep watching over us