First Responders
Firefighter Matt Herron needs help with medical treatment & bills
First Responders
Catastrophic Loss
Created September 21st, 2022
Matthew Herron & I are both Volunteer firefighters at River's End Volunteer Fire Department in Brazoria, Texas. We are the ones usually helping others but we desperately need help right now. We love serving our community. As much as we hate to ask, we need help this time. We have been married for 30 years. Our 20 year old son is also a volunteer firefighter. We also have 2 daughters that are ages 25 & 9. We have 3 grandsons who are at home waiting for their pop-pop to get better. We also have an amazing son-in-law that we were blessed with. Matt went to the hospital on September 1st & they found a 14cm mass on his liver. He was sent to several places for tests & appointments. We do not have insurance so alot of these tests & appointments had to be paid for up front. He was admitted into UTMB Galveston on September 13th because the tumor had grown even more. It was causing complications & extreme pain. They have done several scans, blood tests & xrays. The tumor has alot of veins in it & major blood flow so they are not able to safely biopsy it before they remove it. It is also at risk of rupturing due to its size & location which would most likely be fatal. They did a procedure on September 16th to block the artery that feeds the tumor on his liver to reduce the chances of him bleeding out during the surgery to remove it. Unfortunately during that procedure, he had a complication that resulted in excruciating pain & him getting pancreatitis. 60% to 70% of his pancreas necrotized and he ended up being put into the ICU unit. The doctors believe that he will regain some function of his pancreas but we do not know how much function he will regain. His surgery has now been delayed while we wait for his pancreas to heal enough for his body to be able to handle the liver surgery. They will be removing atleast 60% of his liver & his gallbladder when they remove the tumor. They will then be able to biopsy the tumor to determine if it is cancerous. He was immediately taken off work so he has not worked at all this month. I have also missed several days of work to take him to appointments & to be in the hospital with him. He spent several days not being able to communicate with doctors due to how sick he was so I had to be here to speak & make decisions for him. They are hoping to do his liver surgery sometime next week however that is yet to be determined. He will be in the hospital a minimum of 3 or 4 days after the surgery if everything goes perfect; however they have warned us there is a risk of the pancreatitis coming back since they need to separate the pancreas from his liver to remove the tumor. They do not know what other treatments or additional surgeries he will need for the pancreas or liver but he will definitely need additional care for both. They originally said he will be off work at least 2 months after surgery even if the tumor is not cancer but with the additional complications that could be a lot longer. They honestly can not say when or even if he will be able to return to work or duty as a firefighter. We desperately need help. We do not have a savings account to pay our bills & we used all our vacation time when we had covid. We need help with our house payment, electric bill, phone bill, gas, food & parking while he is staying in the hospital. We also need help with his medical bills & follow up care he will need. We have applied for temporary help since he is unable to work but that process takes time that we do not have. We are trying to stay positive & keep our faith however the financial stress is horrible. Even once I am able to go back to work I don't make enough to pay all of our bills by myself so our entire life is changing. Anything helps since our main focus at this point is to keep him alive, keep a roof over our heads & pay basic necessities at the house. We also need prayers! Lots & lots of prayers!!


October 2nd, 2022
Johnetta HERRON, Organizer

Matt is still hanging in there. He is still sleeping off & on all day. His cramping & pain haven't gotten any better. His painful hiccups are alittle less often but they still come back several times a day. He is absolutely exhausted & I know he needs rest bit he isn't getting the right kind of rest since he don't sleep long at all. Even at night he has to sit up on the edge of the bed several times to relieve pain. We still need lots of prayers. 

From the looks of it he is going to be off work even longer then we thought so financially it's going to make us struggle more & longer. I'm keeping faith that he will eventually be able to return to work. He mentally & physically needs to be able to have that. 

September 30th, 2022
Johnetta HERRON, Organizer

Matt had a rough evening & night. He woke up alittle this morning but wasn't awake very long before he went back to bed. Last night he had alot of bad stomach cramps. I know he is happier at home but its so hard because he don't have the same pain management that he has in the hospital. Even in the hospital they had trouble managing his pain so pills at home are not cutting it. He needs to be able to rest so he can heal.  He is sleeping a lot but its not productive sleep. Its more naps like a newborn baby. He is trying hard not to be snappy but when you are in pain it keeps ya in a miserable mood. I did bring our other great dane Summer home last night so maybe some snuggle time with her will help him relax. Its hard to balance his needs & our daughter Alyssa's needs plus get anything done around the house. She is only 9 & all she wants is her normal life back with healthy daddy. Please keep praying for all of us. Especially Matt & Alyssa! 

Please keep sharing & thank you for everything everyone has already done to help us!

September 29th, 2022
Johnetta HERRON, Organizer

Matt is doing alright at home. The nurses have called to check on him. He is extremally exhausted & naps a lot during the day the day. Unfortunately he is in more pain at night so he don't sleep very long. His hiccups keep coming back which are very painful for him. He twitches in his sleep all night which he has never done before. He is still losing weight & not able to at much. He loves being able to snuggle with Alyssa in the evening. He likes to sit on the porch & watch his chickens run around the yard. It is the little things in life that you have to hold onto. He has a long way to go before he can have his liver surgery. The doctors said it could be in as little as 2 weeks but could be more then likely be closer to 6 weeks & even longer if he has more issues. He will be out of work till at least after the new year but even then we don't know if he will be able to return at all especially if the biopsy results are not good. This is all very hard to swallow for all of us. He has been so active & always doing stuff. Our daughter Alyssa is so used to him being able to do or fix anything. Her 10th birthday is November 1st & that is always a huge milestone in life. she will finally be double digits. She is already asking if her daddy will be in the hospital on her birthday. It breaks our heart to imagine him being in the hospital for her special day but its also a blessing that he is still here & fighting! This waiting game is horrible. I have always been the one to make things work out. I fix the problems but I can't fix this. Hopefully his pain will decrease & we can both get a good nights rest soon. 

Thank you to everyone who is following, sharing, praying & donating. 

September 28th, 2022
Johnetta HERRON, Organizer

Thank you to everyone who has shared & sent prayer & donations. We greatly appreciate it.

After some serious & scary talks with the team of doctors they agreed to let Matt come home to heal some before his liver surgery. I am very nervous but he is much happier being able to be with our kids, pets & sleeping in our bed. I will be monitoring him at home, doing several vitals daily & the team will be checking in with me on his progress. If he has any fevers, issues that new worse or different he will have to go straight back to the hospital. He is able to eat small amounts of food at a time. He is able to take all his antibiotics & other medications in pill form now. He will have to go back for more bloodwork & testing to make sure everything is going ok but as long as his daily vitals are good they can let him do that as out patient so he can stay at home as much as possible. He will have to be admitted again for his liver surgery & possibly other surgeries for his pancreas or other organs that have ben effected by his pancreas leaking. He still has his pancreas leaking, an enlarged heart, fluid around lungs, abscess from pancreatic enzymes, his mass Julio, low liver functions, weakness, shortness of breath, fatigue & a few things but hopefully him being happy at home will make him heal faster!

September 26th, 2022
Johnetta HERRON, Organizer

Thank you to everyone who has donated & for all the prayers!

Not alot to update for today. We are stuck in a waiting game where time is our enemy. They do want to get him to a point that he can be stable enough to go home while we wait a few weeks or so for his liver surgery. He has to meet certain criteria to go home but they are working to get him there. I'm not going to lie. I am terrified to take him home knowing how fast things can change with all of the issues he has going on. He still won't be able to be alone but I would have alittle more help with him so hopefully I can work some. He will still have to have the liver surgery & possibly pancreas surgery but none of that can happen for awhile. He isn't out of the woods. We need more prayers then ever. 

Donations & Comments

Only administrators, organizers, and beneficiaries can reply to comments.

Mandi Cook
Mandi Cook donated $25
7 months ago
Stephen Head
Stephen Head donated $20

Read about Matt in The Facts newspaper. Felt compelled to donate and pray.

8 months ago
Brenda Laird
Brenda Laird donated $50

Thanks so much for your volunteer fire service, Matt and Johnetta. I'm deeply sorry about your pain, Matt. I'm praying that the Lord will comfort you and help you both in this painful trial you're going through.

8 months ago
Melinda Laswell
Melinda Laswell donated $100
8 months ago
Jill and Joe Goff
Jill and Joe Goff donated $100

Thinking of and praying for you all.

8 months ago
Marilyn Shockley
Marilyn Shockley donated $200

God Bless you and your family

8 months ago
Noah Niday
Noah Niday donated $200
8 months ago
Dee Swope
Dee Swope donated $100
8 months ago
Anonymous donated $500
8 months ago
Gaylynn Armstrong
Gaylynn Armstrong donated $100
8 months ago
Firefighter Matt Herron needs help with medical treatment & bills
$4,630 raised of $10,000 goal
48 Donations
Campaign Organizer
Johnetta HERRON
Campaign Beneficiary
Beneficiary Photo
Matthew Herron
Fundraiser Stats
588 Days